Thursday, May 31, 2012

Finally figuring things out on Blogger

I finally figured out how this blogging tool is now working after it all changed up from the last time I blogged frequently. For those who only saw partial posts earlier they are now showing in their entirety including photos.
Best Regards,

Friday, May 25, 2012

Turning the power back on.

Two years ago I put this blog to rest rather abruptly based on loss of interest and lack of time. The topics I brought up were alright, but going through the old posts, a few/most of them they seemed to lack spirit. That said the old posts will remain online through this blog like they have for the past 3 years. Moving forward the direction is still somewhat in the air. The title, "The Long Winding Road" will stay the same since it moreover covers such a broad range of material. For now I'll stick with the tag that was used 2 years ago, "Mix of Life, Automobiles, Weather, and Faith. Welcome to The Long Winding Road."

Finally, since I have linked this to my Google+ account you're welcome to add me to any circles and I'll add you to one of mine. With that in mind I do post a fair amount of Catholic focused content from EWTN over on my Google +.

I look forward to having you join me on the Long Winding Road.

