Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The 13th Day

By going w/ the title itself, I would probably bet that most people would label this as a horror movie. Actually, it's far from it, "The 13th Day" is a remake of the "Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima" (1952) movie. Looking at it from an artistic view the movie is primarily in black and white, although does incorporate color in select scenes throughout. That in mind and considering what was going on during 1917 around the world (WWI, etc). The removal of color was extremely fitting and added depth to the movie. The characters seemed believable overall and at times, you couldn't help but feel for the three children and their families during the events leading up to the October 13, 1917 (the miracle of the sun). Comparing the original movie to the remake, it’s like comparing night vs. day. If you’re looking for a fun and uplifting movie the original “Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima" is the one to see. If you want, a movie that will make something stir in you spiritually, similar to the "Passion of Christ". "The 13th Day" is the movie to see. It's overall an extremely moving piece that holds true to the events that occurred in Fatima and I would recommend any person to experience. As much as people will try to blow off the events that happened there, there is documented evidence (photos) and around an estimated 70,000 people witnessed the miracle of the sun.

If you get the chance check out the website http://www.the13thday.com/  and make sure to check out the trailer. :-)

-Edit I found a short clip from online about the prophecy Mary reveled to the children. Warning it gets a little graphic at the end.



  1. Anonymous12:28 PM

    I hope this will come to Fairbanks, Alaska.

  2. Anonymous, does your parish put events on? Fundraisers or anything? Send them this link: http://www.ignatius.com/the-13th-day/movie-events.htm

    That's how screenings are being organized in the US.

  3. It's also going to be on sale on DVD come December 1. I'm hoping to pick up a copy for my family. I just hope it comes to Blueray at some point.
