Friday, May 25, 2012

Turning the power back on.

Two years ago I put this blog to rest rather abruptly based on loss of interest and lack of time. The topics I brought up were alright, but going through the old posts, a few/most of them they seemed to lack spirit. That said the old posts will remain online through this blog like they have for the past 3 years. Moving forward the direction is still somewhat in the air. The title, "The Long Winding Road" will stay the same since it moreover covers such a broad range of material. For now I'll stick with the tag that was used 2 years ago, "Mix of Life, Automobiles, Weather, and Faith. Welcome to The Long Winding Road."

Finally, since I have linked this to my Google+ account you're welcome to add me to any circles and I'll add you to one of mine. With that in mind I do post a fair amount of Catholic focused content from EWTN over on my Google +.

I look forward to having you join me on the Long Winding Road.



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