Sunday, January 3, 2010

Fuel Efficiency Adviser called by another name

For most car geeks or performance enthusiasts knowing what your car is doing / can do is usually high on priorities. Since 1996 cars / light duty trucks have been equipped with a On Board Diagnostic version II (OBDII) port or sometimes written as OBD2 port. For the average driver this is some random looking computer port hidden out of site and usually out of mind. For drivers who want to know what their car is doing this is a gold mine of information that just needs to be tapped. Now a day’s most cars have a on board computer that will tell you avg mpg, temperature outside, gallons used, gallons left, etc... That information can leave some drivers especially those who hyper-mile without the information they want most. Linear Logic seems to have a solution to those who want it all... data that is. Linear Logic has developed a unit called ScanGauge and over the years, it's been updated to ScanGaugeII along w/ some nifty software on the device called X-Gauge that allows users to make their own gauges. Therefore, what is ScanGaugeII well it's a compact automotive computer that connects to a OBDII port. When connected it reads the basic trouble codes like most other automotive computers and it reads the streaming data coming from the car. Fuel Economy, Fuel Rate, Intake Air Temperature, Engine speed, Engine Load, etc... In addition, with the latest version of the software it allows users to create their own gauges with X-Gauge.
Will this computer make you more fuel efficient... That depends; if you can process a plethora of numbers quickly and curve your driving habits then sure it probably will make you more fuel-efficient. On the other hand, if you could care less of about the environment and you driving habits then this device will probably not help too much.
There are a few places you could pick one a scangaugeII. One is over at the manufactures website

The other is over at Fuel Efficiency Centers It is the same unit except that instead of saying ScanGaugeII on it, its label says Fuel Efficiency Adviser.  The other plus through buying it the Fuel Efficiency Centers is that it costs $20 less when you punch in the Star Driver discount code.

Check it out and find out all the information you can get from your car.

Review will be up in a few days I finally had a good trip w/ it and found out a lot about the unit during the trip.


I personally paid for the device so opinions I share are not influenced by the manufacture.

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