Monday, May 10, 2010

Classes done, new cell phone and update

The semester has finally wrapped up and things are starting to wind-down in some regards and spin-up in others. I took my only final this morning which went ok I answered everything, but if was right or not is up to Tony. The thing I need to finish up before the end of the semester is my topic proposal which is coming along slowly. Regarding the internship I'm helping with the HD Flip cameras the interns will use are coming in later this week and I have a meeting w/ Fred to hammer out the rest of the media section and start working on the observed surface trends section. I start at Meridian on May 17th to go over basic employee items :-).
Finally my old cellphone (Palm Treo 800w) finally died last Tuesday and I had to was given the opportunity to upgrade to a new cellphone. Good old windows mobile 6.1 was really starting to wear on me with the numerous issues that plagued my Treo so I abandoned Palm and went to a company that I've heard overall good reviews about and had a phone that was running android. I ended up with the HTC Hero w/ android 1.5 and I'm overall impressed with the phones capability and I just love the built-in GPS. The 2.1 update from HTC and Sprint can't come soon enough so Google maps has audible turn by turn directions :-D and a few of the weather apps I use can be used to their full capability.

Best Regards,


P.S. The blog went through a minor revision a few days ago graphically.

1 comment:

  1. Test to see if this shows up as a post on Google+
