Saturday, November 21, 2009

Drivers ed... Do we need to learn that?

Take a step back for a second and think. What did you really learn in drivers ed? For some of you that might be somewhat fresh in your mind and others, well that was a long time ago in a galaxy far away(JK). I'll admit a fair amount of time has passes since my time sitting in the classroom or behind the wheel of the horridly fake simulators. So what about driver ed? During your time in the classroom you become familiar with the interior of a car, basic driving skills, and also learn a few what to do if this goes or that goes out. Then you also learn what to do if the road has water on it, ice (depending on where you live), snow, etc. In other words you probably learned that your driving style changes with changing road conditions.

Well why do driving ed instructors teach that? Should it really matter how you drive in different kinds of weather events? Aren't cars/trucks/SUV's loaded with enough technology to keep any car on the road no matter what the conditions.

I'll give you my view in a few days, but I want to hear your side should young people still learn how to drive in different weather conditions or is that a thing of the past if so why?

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